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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Error loading SOLIDWORKS Toolbox Library or add-in tools

Sometimes when you launch SOLIDWORKS and try to load SOLIDWORKS Toolbox Library or Utilities add-in, SOLIDWORKS delivers a message:

 “You appear to have experienced problems the last time you loaded the SOLIDWORKS Toolbox add-in”

This issue is only experienced in SOLIDWORKS 2017 SP3.0

Error loading Toolbox Library 

  • If you pick yes, continue to load Toolbox, SOLIDWORKS possibly stops responding!
  • However, if you pick No, disabling Toolbox, everything seems to work fine.
To fix this error you should delete the ‘tb_default.sldedb’ from ‘<C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\Toolbox\data’.
In Windows 7/Vista a  user can open his/her application data folder by running the command ‘appdata’ from Run window.

Navigate to the specified path and delete ‘tb_default.sldedb’.

Then launch SOLIDWORKS, you should have no issues adding the Toolbox Library or Utilities add-in.
This issue has been fixed in SOLIDWORKS 2017SP4.
